Professional Communications Solutions

Welcome to our website! We are pleased to have you visit and hope that our Internet presence will give you an informative overview of us and the range of services we offer.

Elit Sprachdienste - a growing service provider with high expectations of its own performance - stands for the professional implementation of all translation, localization and interpreting activities in different areas of language and expertise.

The result is a service matched specifically to your company, supporting you with your foreign-language documentations and transnational business activities as best we can.


professionelles Dolmetschen, Übersetzungen in den Bereichen Wirtschaft, Recht und Technik, Website - & Software - Lokalisierung , Marketing-Konzeption

Whether you want to open up new markets, expand existing international business relations or fill a market gap: our internationally experienced partners from various fields of competence, who include expert translators, editors, interpreters and IT specialists, will be glad to support you in overcoming language and cultural barriers, thereby supporting the success of your international activities.

Elit Sprachdienste offers subject matter expertise in the following fields:


Englisch, Russisch, Litauisch, Lettisch, Estnisch

Language forms the basis of communication and can unite as well as divide. To be able to withstand the high intensity of global competition, language barriers must not become an obstacle to the successful internationalization of your business activities. With our support, you will be able to feel at home beyond national borders and as a result strengthen your market position.

Elit Sprachdienste offers the following languages in combination with German as either source or target language:

Areas of Specialization

Wirtschaft und Finanzen, Recht, Industrie und Technik, Informationstechnologie

The selection of appropriate expert translators and editors as well as the effective creation and use of client and subject-specific terminology and translation memory databases guarantee the production of premium target-oriented translations. This way we can always assure you of the highest possible quality of our language services. 

In coordination with our network experts and cooperation partners, we have assembled special teams for the following areas and business segments: